Directors Reports
Club Service/Pres.Elect- K Nieukerke
No Report, but tabled an information leaflet on the proposed Regionalisation Pilot Project and a card promoting the 2023 Rotary Joint District Conference in Mandurah on 17/18th Feb next year.
Community- B Rollond-
Fish Van Rosters – 17/18th Sept- Indicated the 17th was ok for workers but more definitely required for Sunday to cook fish & chips for the Emergency Services Day on the foreshore, also setting up and clean up.
Merry-Go-Round Operators- Need to register their names and Driver Licences with Barry prior to operating the equipment. Also should have WWC clearance registered with Compliance Officer Brett Guthrie.
Do-Nut Van- has requested a volunteer to tow the van back to our shed after pack down on Sun 18th Sept.
From the Floor
G Mackenzie –Bike Repair Project- still working each Wednesday at the shed, but will be switching to the Nulsen Bike Project next school Semester.
Nulsen Bike Project- As previously reported, planned to start this project on
12th October, 2022 between 9am-12noon. Rotary members participating require WWC in place. Four students will begin the process initially. Esperance Smash has offered to custom paint the bicycles to individual specifications. Students will assume ownership of their bike upon completed restoration and be presented with a helmet and locking device. The primary aim is to improve attendance at school by those students selected, similar to the very successful Norseman project.
S Schmedje – Ass’t Governor – advocated for members to seriously consider attending the 2023 joint Districts (9455 & 9465) Annual Conference in Mandurah, noting that WA will amalgamate as one District (9423) in July 2023.
J Bridges- 60th Year Celebrations – reminder to forward any photos of last ten years to JB or Louise Gray please!! Also circulating phone/email contact list for past members/rotariannes to facilitate invitations.
Pres Rod- Regionalisation Pilot Project – Voting Directive
Members overwhelmingly supported him voting affirmative for the project.