Secretary – Tom Campbell
Leave of Absence notifications- Received from A Green, R Taylor, B Elliot G Mackenzie & D Slater.
Club Admin 2023/24- Seeking feedback and ideas for Club activities and programs during 2023/24 from members.
Treasurer -B Colliver
Simpson Street Shed Extension Project Donation- Brian had pleasure in advising the Rotary Club of Esperance Bay have confirmed an increase in their donation towards the project to $25,000.
Club Service/Pres.Elect- K Nieukerke
Shire Address- elaborated briefly on his upcoming address to Council.
2023/24 Club Board Meeting- Some ideas will be presented at the next Shed meeting on 29th May.
Community- B Rollond
Mother's Day Pancake Breakfast- this function went well and achieved good public support. There were some 360 registered walkers in the morning and the Club raised some $740.00 which will be donated to the Breast Cancer cause. Club to absorb the minor costs to provide the service.
Final Event- Barry indicated there are no other functions for the Community Portfolio and thanked everyone who have supported him and the Club throughout the busy year.
From the Floor
G Mackenzie –
Bike Repair Project- Currently in abeyance till end of May.
Nulsen Bike Project- Attended the Presentation Ceremony at the School, where the 4 participants were presented with their bikes, which was a great event and terrific exposure for our Club. The school is very keen for the idea to continue.
R Gurney
Shed Renovations-Queried whether there were any photos being taken of the shed as it undergoes it's renovations.
Neil McCallum
Lookout Wishing Well- Queried what action was planned to clean out and renovate the well on the hill. Agreed this should be arranged early in the new Board year.
B Elliot- Reported he had spoken with Rotarian Rob Leiper who appears to be improving healthwise but is still under care and treatment.
John Gray- Applauded the efforts of all involved with the Mother's Day Breakfast effort especially Dir Barry, as it went very well