About Us
For 60 years, the Rotary Club of Esperance has enhanced the Esperance district by assisting wherever possible for the benefit of the community. Since the club's charter in 1962, there has been a focus on the youth and the elderly.
A brief summary of some of our projects:
Individuals and groups have been sponsored to various places to partake in activities that may improve their knowledge and skills in their chosen fields, be that educational, sporting or organisation orientated. Over thirty young people from overseas countries have each been given the opportunity to visit Esperance for a year as an exchange student, while the same number of local youth have experienced a year in an overseas country also as a Rotary exchange student.
Our schools have been assisted with prizes donated for award ceremonies, playgrounds built and lawns planted and reticulated. Students have been sponsored on the Sail Training Ship, the Leewin, or science schools during school holidays. Teams have been assisted to travel to various state and national championships.
The establishment of a local university was partly funded by building units to be sold with a good profit margin due to the amount of voluntary labour supplied by Rotarians.
Our elderly have not been forgotten, as a hostel and a nursing home has been built with Rotary's financial and hands-on assistance. The hospital is one of our ongoing charities where gardens have been established, equipment supplied and televisions installed above patient's beds.
Funds have been raised in numerous ways including pulling down or moving buildings, wool drives, collecting and selling mallee roots, hay carting, running games nights, raffling blocks of land, building new homes to be auctioned, cooking fish burgers and selling drinks at community functions, running the bar at functions, and many others.
Playgrounds have been erected throughout the town as well as in the outlying district stretching from Munglinup in the west to Condingup in the east and as far north as Salmon Gums.
The whole community has been considered as we continue to organise Australia Day Celebrations each year at the Adventureland Park on the foreshore.
Some other projects we have supported, either through full support or financial assistance:
- Open Learning Centre at the Esperance Senior High School
- The Recherche Hotel
- The Rotary Lookout on Wireless Hill
- The Rotary Walk on Wireless Hill
- The Cemetery Gazebo
- The original Lake Monjingup Gazebo
- Adventure Land Park stage
- The George Graham Pavilion at the Showgrounds
- Alf Button Gate to the Showgrounds
- ANZAC Day Gunfire Breakfast
- Four Defibrillators for the Community
- Financial assistance for a CT Scanner at Esperance and Districts Hospital
- Stress Test Machine at Esperance and Districts Hospital
- Anchor Program for Youth Mentoring
- International Rotary Youth Exchange
- Subsidising students for Kip McGrath Tutoring
- Esperance Senior High School Year 12 Portfolios
- Financial assistance for Quiet Lion Tour
- Tournament of Minds team sponsorship to the finals
- National Youth Science Forum
- School Book Prizes to all schools in our District
- Rotary Youth Leadership Awards
- Rotary Youth Enrichment Program